About Marina Gonzalez-Ang

About Marina Gonzalez-Ang, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Registered Yoga Teacher
Marina Gonzalez-Ang is a licensed mental health counselor who specializes in helping children, adolescents, young adults, and families recognize, reduce, and manage anxiety. Serving clients in Eastern Massachusetts, Gonzalez-Ang is a leading proponent of the Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) method pioneered by Dr. Eli Lebowitz of the Yale Child Study Center; this approach focuses on empowering parents to change their own behaviors in ways that will help their child(ren) overcome anxiety.
Prior to founding her private practice, Gonzalez-Ang successfully counseled many youths struggling with anxiety and a variety of related issues, including trauma, special education needs, disrupted education, and school avoidance/absenteeism. Currently, she practices as a school and family counselor at the SEEM Education Collaborative, working with children with moderate to severe disabilities. Previously, she practiced as a clinician at therapeutic day school Dearborn Academy.
Informed by her own experiences with taming anxiety as a child, Gonzalez-Ang is recognized as an extraordinarily supportive counselor with a talent for breaking down barriers to progress with children and parents alike. Gonzalez-Ang holds an M.A. in counseling psychology from Lesley University and a B.A. from the University of Massachusetts.
In addition to practicing the SPACE method and traditional cognitive behavioral therapy, Gonzalez-Ang is also a registered yoga teacher who enjoys sharing yoga’s anxiety-reducing benefits with interested clients. The owner of a therapy dog, Gonzalez-Ang is actively involved with dog rescue and adoption. She resides with her family in Medford, Massachusetts and, together with her two children, she enjoys skiing, baking, and making homemade ice cream.
Professional Credentials
– Licensed mental health counselor in Massachusetts
– Specialty: children, parent, and family anxiety management
– M.A. in counseling psychology, Lesley University
– B.A., University of Massachusetts
– Trained in Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE),
Yale Child Study Center
– Trained in cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety, Beck Institute
– Trained in family therapy, Therapy Training Boston (Watertown, Mass.)
– Trained in yoga for anxiety and depression, Soulful Yoga Therapy (Salem, Mass.)
– Graduate certificate in trauma studies (counseling and psychology), Lesley University
Contact Marina Gonzalez-Ang to discuss how she can help you or your family, or learn more about counseling options.
Focus Areas
Adolescent Therapy
Art Therapy
Child/Youth Anxiety Counseling
Child/Youth Development
Child/Youth Anxiety Disorder
Child/Youth Mental Health
Child/Youth Anxiety Reduction
Child/Youth Anxiety Therapy
Child/Youth Anxiety Treatment
Children’s Yoga
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Family Therapy
Individual Counseling
Mental Health Counseling
Parent-Child Relationships
Parenting and Anxiety
Parent Coaching
Parent Communication
Parent Education
Play Therapy
School Refusal
Student Counseling
Yoga Instruction